Distributing Windows builds

The Windows ecosystem is — to be perfectly honest — a beautiful mess, but it is an easy target for game developers.

Common game engines (Unity, etc.)

Game engines like Unity take care of everything. Their export is usually a folder that you can just zip up and upload to itch.io, the app will install and run them, no questions asked.

Don't bother with 64-bit builds

Unlike 64-bit Linux, 64-bit Windows will happily run 32-bit binaries. There might be some technical reasons for your game to require a 64-bit binary, in which case reading this page is probably a waste of your time and you should just apply the knowledge you already have.

Avoid installers

Installers are useful for applications that require special setup steps or integration into the system, like services, or administrative software, or system-wide utilities.

However, games are usually self-contained experiences that can live entirely in user-owned folders without messing with the system itself. Hence, in most cases, installers are superfluous and should be avoided

Instead, a simple .zip archive containing the executable, its assets, and the required DLLs (see the Dependency hell section below) should be enough for both a human (Windows has had built-in .zip support for a while) and the itch app.

The exception, of course, is some dependencies which come in the form of redistributables, such as the .NET Framework, the Visual C++ Runtime, etc.

Since the app has no built-in mechanism to install those yet, it is reasonable to distribute an installer for those reasons, for the time being.

Reminder: those are suggestions for best compatibility. Do what you want, it's your game.

Some installers allow silent installation. In this case, the itch app detects them and tries to silently install to the [install location][] specified by the user.

In particular, those installers are supported:

  • InnoSetup installers
  • NSIS installers
  • Adobe Air installers (with caveats)
  • Some InstallShield self-extracting archives

Uninstalling games from the app will also attempt to run the uninstaller properly, but if it fails, will resort to wiping the installation folder, which the user would most probably do if the app didn't.

Dependency hell, Windows-style

Figuring out what your app depends on is easier on Windows that it is on Linux, for example, but can still get tricky.

One way to solve it is to have a clean install of Windows in a virtual machine or another computer, and copy your game there: if it runs, you're fine. If it complains about some library, add it. However, this trial-and-error can take a while.

Instead, you could use a tool like Dependency Walker, which will monitor the DLLs (dynamic libraries) that your application loads throughout its runtime.

Special mentions of the jury

Some libraries have well-known gotchas: an incomplete list follows.


OpenAL, like OpenGL, was supposed to be a standard that various vendors implement themselves. It worked okay for OpenGL, but OpenAL not so much. If you expect your players to have a working OpenAL driver installed, you're going to have a bad time.

A good idea is to distribute a build of OpenAL-soft with your game:

It'll work out of the box for everyone, it supports fun stuff like HRTF out-of-the-box, and tinkerers can always swap it for their favorite OpenAL implementation!

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