
itch is built in HTML/SCSS/TypeScript and runs inside of Electron. Install the following to get started with development:

$ npm install -g electron@latest
  • Check out this repository

  • Install the javascript dependencies by running this command from within the itch directory you've just cloned:

$ npm install

(For native modules, you'll need a compiler toolchain: Visual Studio 2015 on Windows, gcc/clang on Linux/macOS)

  • Install grunt's CLI if you don't have it already:
$ npm install -g grunt-cli
  • You can now run the app:
$ npm start

This command first compiles newer files from typescript to ES6 understood by both Node.js & Chromium.

We use grunt for building and packaging, see our CI job definitions.

Running tests


$ npm test

To run all tests. You can run a single test with:

$ grunt && node app/tests/runner.js app/tests/localizer-spec.js | tap-spec

Or run all the tests in a directory with:

$ grunt && node app/tests/runner.js app/tests/util | tap-spec

Debug facilities

:memo: When running from msys, export OS=cygwin to see log output

These keys do things:

  • Shift-F5 — reload the UI. Since the state is stored outside of the browser, this shouldn't corrupt
  • Shift-F12 — open Chromium developer tools, to inspect the DOM, run arbitrary javascript code, etc.

Some environment variables change the behavior of the application, there's a list in

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