Installing itch on Fedora

While you can simply head to and grab the latest .rpm, we recommend you add our package repository instead, so that the app can remain up-to-date.

Adding our YUM repository

We publish .rpm packages of every release on Bintray:

Importing our GPG key

The packages we publish are digitally signed, so that you can ensure that we are the ones that published it, and no one else.

To allow your package manager to verify those signatures, you need to import our GPG key. You can do so by running the following command in a terminal:

sudo rpm --import

This will prompt for your password, since sudo is used.

Adding the .repo file

wget -O itchio.repo
sudo mv itchio.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/

Installing & updating

If you have successfully added our package repository, installing should be as simple as running sudo yum install itch from a terminal.

The package provides:

  • An applications menu shortcut (via a .desktop file)
  • The /usr/bin/itch launcher script, for command-line usage

Refer to your distribution's manual to know how to keep packages up-to-date. Most desktop environments have some sort of graphical interface to prompt you to install updates, and you can always run sudo yum update yourself in a terminal.


Simply run sudo yum remove itch to uninstall itch from your system.

Note that this won't remove your library, which resides at $HOME/.config/itch, along with any additional install locations you have added from the app.

$HOME is your personal directory, for example: /home/you

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