Validating builds and manifests

The butler command-line tool can be used to validate build directories and manifests.

It's a good way to make sure your software will be opened correctly by the app before you even push a build to

The validate command returns a non-zero exit code if it detects serious problems.
It's a good idea to integrate it into your Continuous Deployment pipeline (Travis CI, Gitlab CI etc.)!

Validating build folders

You can pass a folder to the validate command (the same you'd pass to butler push) to make a full analysis:

$ butler validate .

∙ Validating build directory .
For runtime 64-bit Windows (use --platform and --arch to simulate others)

∙ Validating 477 B manifest at (.itch.toml)

√ Validating 3 actions...

  → Action 'Default' (Sample Evil App{{EXT}})
    Requests API scope (profile:me)
    | (Sample Evil App.exe) (native)
    |-- 43 MiB Sample Evil App.exe windows-386 win(gui)
    |-- ↗ Will be launched as a native application

  → Action 'Sandbox opt-in' (Sample Evil App{{EXT}})
    Requests API scope (profile:me)
    Sandbox opt-in
    | (Sample Evil App.exe) (native)
    |-- 43 MiB Sample Evil App.exe windows-386 win(gui)
    |-- ↗ Will be launched as a native application

  → Action 'Args' (Sample Evil App{{EXT}})
    Passes arguments: being ::: john ::: malkovich
    | (Sample Evil App.exe) (native)
    |-- 43 MiB Sample Evil App.exe windows-386 win(gui)
    |-- ↗ Will be launched as a native application

√ Validating 5 prereqs...

  → Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable (x86) (vcredist-2010-x86)
    Available on Windows for architecture 386

  → Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable (x64) (vcredist-2010-x64)
    Available on Windows for architecture amd64

  → Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable Update 3 (x86) (vcredist-2015-x86)
    Available on Windows for architecture 386

  → Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable Update 3 (x64) (vcredist-2015-x64)
    Available on Windows for architecture amd64

  → OpenAL (openal-1.1)
    Available on Windows for architecture 386

Validating for different platforms

Use the --platform and --arch options to validate for a platform other than the one you're currently running butler on. Here's butler being run on Windows 64-bit, validating for Linux 32-bit:

$ butler validate --platform linux --arch 386 Crosswords\ Arena/

∙ Validating build directory Crosswords Arena/
For runtime 32-bit Linux (use --platform and --arch to simulate others)

No manifest found (expected it to be at Crosswords Arena\.itch.toml)

Heuristics will be used to launch your project.
√ Configured in 500.2µs

√ Heuristic results (best first):

  → Implicit launch target 1
    | (Crosswords Arena\index.html) (html)
    |-- 280 B index.html html-
    |-- ☁ Will be opened as HTML5 app

Validating manifests only

If you want to validate just the manifest (maybe before the build directory is generated), you can do that too.

Here's Sample Evil App's manifest being validated:

$ butler validate .itch.toml

∙ Validating manifest only
For runtime 64-bit Windows (use --platform and --arch to simulate others)

================== Warning ==================
In manifest-only validation mode. Pass a valid build directory to perform further checks.

∙ Validating 477 B manifest at (.itch.toml)

√ Validating 3 actions...

  → Action 'Default' (Sample Evil App{{EXT}})
    Requests API scope (profile:me)

  → Action 'Sandbox opt-in' (Sample Evil App{{EXT}})
    Requests API scope (profile:me)
    Sandbox opt-in

  → Action 'Args' (Sample Evil App{{EXT}})
    Passes arguments: being ::: john ::: malkovich

√ Validating 5 prereqs...

  → Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable (x86) (vcredist-2010-x86)
    Available on Windows for architecture 386

  → Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable (x64) (vcredist-2010-x64)
    Available on Windows for architecture amd64

  → Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable Update 3 (x86) (vcredist-2015-x86)
    Available on Windows for architecture 386

  → Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable Update 3 (x64) (vcredist-2015-x64)
    Available on Windows for architecture amd64

  → OpenAL (openal-1.1)
    Available on Windows for architecture 386

Validate will warn you against unknown or misspelled configuration keys:

================== Warning ==================
1 error(s) decoding:

* 'Actions[0]' has invalid keys: cope

And it will return a non-zero exit code if a serious error is found, like a missing prerequisite:

================== Error ==================
Unknown prerequisite listed: openal-1.1x

Found 1 errors.

Or invalid configuration:

error: Decoding error:
*mapstructure.Error 1 error(s) decoding:

* 'Actions[1].Sandbox' expected type 'bool', got unconvertible type 'int64'

results matching ""

    No results matching ""