App manifests

There are several good reasons to include an app manifest with your game:

  • You want to provide a choice between multiple launch targets
    • Examples: game, level editor, etc.
  • Your app needs access to the API, for authentication or more

"It launches the wrong thing" is usually a bad reason to ship a manifest, see Troubleshooting.

This documentation is more of a Guide than a Reference.

If you just want the details, skip over to the type definitions.


A manifest is a file named .itch.toml placed at the top level of your game directory.

For example, the Windows build of a Unity game might be structured like this:


The same application for macOS could have this structure:


The contents of the file must be valid TOML markup.

Validating your manifest

Before you push a build with your manifest file, you can validate with the butler validate command.

Read the Validating your manifest section for more information.


The app can ensure that certain libraries are installed before your app is launched.

These typically include Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables, DirectX, XNA, etc.

This minimal manifest can be used for a 32-bit windows build that requires Visual C++ 2010:

name = "vcredist-2010-x86"

Read the prerequisites documentation to learn more.

If you're a command-line person, use the butler test-prereqs command to list known prerequisites.

You'll need butler for that. Obviously.


Manifests can contain between zero and "a few" options1

name = "play"
path = "FooBar.exe"

name = "editor"
path = "FooBar.exe"
args = ["--editor"]

Read the manifest actions page to learn more about what you can do with those.

1. Keep it simple, you don't want players to have to scroll all the way down to pick the right action.

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