The diff algorithm

The Terminology page is a strongly-recommended reading before attacking this page.

The diff algorithm is a modified version of the rsync algorithm, and has the following properties:

  • Full access1 to the old version is not required — a series of hashes is enough.
  • All files of the new version are scanned linearly and only once.
  • The more similar old is to new, the faster the diff runs.
  • Changes are efficiently encoded regardless of their alignment
  • Renames are detected and handled properly (instead of counting as a deletion + insertion)
1. By "full access" we mean being able to read the files' content. A typical scenario where one does not have "full access" is uploading a new version of some software, to a storage server that holds older versions of it. The storage server only has to send a series of hashes, which is much smaller than the files themselves.

For the purpose of the diff algorithm, every file is split into blocks of 64kB. Files from the new version are then scanned, looking for blocks with the same contents as those from any files of the old version.

When similar blocks are found, we store positional information (file index within the container, and block offset within the file) that allows copying the blocks from the old file to the new file (ie. BLOCK_RANGE operations).

Similar blocks are found one at a time, but BLOCK_RANGE operations on consecutive blocks are combined to produce even smaller patches.

When no similar blocks can be found, data from the new files (called fresh data) is directly written to the patch, in chunks of at most 4MB (ie. DATA operations).

The signature of the old container

For the diff algorithm to run, a signature of the old container must be obtained. It contains:

  • The old container's layout:
    • A list of directory names and their permissions
    • A list of symbolic links, their targets and permissions
    • A list of files, their permissions, and size
  • A list of block hashes corresponding to 64kB blocks (or less) of all the container's files.

Directories and symlinks have no contents, so they don't have block hashes. Order in the files list matters, as block hashes and operations refer to files by their index in the container's file list, rather than using their path.

The signature could for example be read from a file or network connection. Alternatively, if we have full access to the old container, the signature may be computed by reading and hashing all files from the old container.

Reading an existing signature

Hashes stored in a signature file have two fields:

  • Weak hash (4 bytes)
  • Strong hash (32 bytes)

When reading hashes sequentially from a signature file, one must keep track of where in a file and which file of the container the current hash corresponds to. This process is called anchoring hashes.

For example, a container with the following files:

  • foo.dat - 130kB file
  • bar.dat - 12kB file

...would yield a signature with four hashes:

  • size: 64kB, fileIndex: 0, blockIndex: 0
  • size: 64kB, fileIndex: 0, blockIndex: 1
  • size: 2kB, fileIndex: 0, blockIndex: 2
  • size: 12kB, fileIndex: 1, blockIndex: 0

Storing the file index, block index, and block size in signature files isn't necessary, since the container's file list gives all the information needed to predict the hash layout. That's the reason the protobuf BlockHash message only includes the weak hash and the strong hash.

Anchoring block hashes

Here's a pseudo-code algorithm showing how to deduce the file index, block index, and block size, given a container.

full_block_size = 64 * 1024

file_index = 0
block_index = 0
block_size = full_block_size
byte_offset = 0

while (hash = read a BlockHash message from the signature file)
  size_diff = (size of file at file_index) - byte_offset
  short_size = 0

  if (size_diff < 0)
    -- moved past the end of the file
    byte_offset = 0
    block_index = 0
    file_index = file_index + 1
    size_diff = (size of file at file_index) - byte_offset

  if (size_diff < full_block_size)
    -- last block of the file
    short_size = size_diff
    short_size = 0

  add AnchoredBlockHash(
    hash.strong_hash) to block library

  byte_offset = byte_offset + block_size
  block_index = block_index + 1

Note: blocks that are exactly 64kB large have a short_size of 0, since it is a very common case, and 0 is the default value of an integer in protobuf, and default values don't take up any space in protobuf encoding.

Constructing the block library

Although hashes are stored in a sequence, the diffing algorithm needs them to be in an associative data structure, indexed by the weak hash. Note that one weak hash may be associated to more than one block. The structure's type is thus Map of <Weak hash, <Array of block hashes>>

The weak hash's output is only 32 bits, thus there is a high chance of collision, but it still lets us avoid computing the strong hash most of the time. Think of the weak hash as a mechanism to quickly eliminate most of the mismatches.

Scanning files and looking for matching blocks

Picture a file as a series of bytes, and the algorithm as a scanner with a head and a tail:

|                           file                            |
^     ( 64kB )      ^                                       ^
|                   |                                       |
tail              head                                    EOF
|                   |
|  potential block  |
owed data tail

First, the weak hash is computed for the potential block (fast).

Then, if the block library does not contain entries for that weak hash, the tail and head both move 1 byte to the right.

The weak hash is a rolling hash, which means given the hash of a block, computing the hash of the block 1 byte to the right of it is a very cheap. Think of it as actually "rolling" on the file, "feeding" byte per byte.

Here's how the next rolling hash is computed:

αPush = buffer[head - 1] as an uint32
β1 = (β1 - αPop + αPush) % _M
β2 = (β2 - (head - tail as uint32) * αPop + β1) % _M
β = β1 + _M * β2


  • αPop is the byte 'escaping' to the left of the tail (initially 0)
  • αPush is the byte fed to the head, from the right
  • β1 and β2 are internal state that must be maintained from one rolling computation to the other.
  • _M is a constant equal to 1 << 16
  • β is the result

As the head and tail move to the right, the algorithm remembers the last position it emitted an operation. The area between the last operation's end and the tail is hereafter referred to as "owed" data.

|                           file                            |
^        ^     ( 64kB )      ^                              ^
|        |                   |                              |
|        tail              head                           EOF
|        |
|  owed  |
|  data  |
owed data tail

When "owed" data reaches the maximum size of 4MB, a DATA operation is emitted, to keep operation messages' sizes reasonable2.

When the block library does contain entries for a given weak hash, the strong (MD5) hash of the data between the tail and the head is computed and compared to each entry of the block library for that weak hash.

If the block library contains a block hash with a matching strong hash and block size, then we have found a block from one of the old files that we can re-use.

In case several strong hashes match, the preferred file index is used. See the preferred file index section.

When a match is found, any "owed data" is added to the operation list as a DATA operation:

|                           file                            |
^        ^     ( 64kB )      ^                              ^
|        |                   |                              |
|        tail              head                           EOF
|        |                   |
|        +-------------------+
|        |  potential block  |
|        +-------------------+
owed data tail
|  DATA  | ( patch file being written )

Then, a BLOCK_RANGE operation is added to the operation list:

|                           file                            |
^        ^     ( 64kB )      ^                              ^
|        |                   |                              |
|        tail              head                           EOF
|        |                   |
|        +-------------------+
|        |  potential block  |
|        +-------------------+
owed data tail
|  DATA  |    BLOCK_RANGE    | ( patch file being written )

The head and tail both move one BlockSize to the right. The position of the owed data tail is adjusted as well

|                           file                            |
^                            ^     ( 64kB )      ^          ^
|                            |                   |          |
|                            tail              head       EOF
|                            |                   |
|                            +-------------------+
|                            |  potential block  |
|                            +-------------------+
|                            |
|                            owed data tail
|  DATA  |    BLOCK_RANGE    |

Note that the last row of the diagram represents which areas of the scanned file are 'described' by operations, and not the actual byte size of the operations themselves in the patch file.

The weak hash for the new potential block should now be computed. Since we moved more than one byte to the right, we can't use the rolling version of the weak hash, and have to use the following algorithm to recompute the weak hash of the entire new potential block:

a and b are uint32 variables
span is the length of the potential block minus one, as an uint32

for (val = each byte of the potential block as an uint32)
  i is the index of the byte within the block, as an uint32

  a = a + val
  b = b + val * (span - i + 1) as an uint32

β = (a % _M) + (_M * (b % _M))
β1 = a % _M
β2 = b % _M

The result of this computation is not just β, but β1, β2 too, which will be used the next time the head and tail move one byte to the right.

2. By reasonable we mean two things: that serializing and deserializing them to/from protobuf format won't require a significant amount of memory, and that receiving operations through a non-random-access channel such as a network connection will allow us to start patching files without obtaining the entire patch.

BlockRange combination

It is not uncommon to find several consecutive hash matches. Those can be combined in a single block range by keeping an operation buffer of size 1. When a hash match is found, if another BLOCK_RANGE operation is stored in the operation buffer, then calling the stored operation prev and the fresh operation next

  • If prev.fileIndex == next.fileIndex
  • and prev.blockIndex + prev.blockSpan = next.blockIndex
|                           file                            |
^                            ^     ( 64kB )      ^          ^
|                            |                   |          |
|                            tail              head       EOF
|                            |                   |
|                            +-------------------+
|                            |  potential block  |
|                            +-------------------+
|                            |
|                            owed data tail
|  DATA  |    BLOCK_RANGE    |   BLOCK_RANGE     |

...then the two operations can be combined. The next operation is discarded, the prev operation remains in the operation buffer and its blockSpan is incremented by one.

|                           file                            |
^                            ^     ( 64kB )      ^          ^
|                            |                   |          |
|                            tail              head       EOF
|                            |                   |
|                            +-------------------+
|                            |  potential block  |
|                            +-------------------+
|                            |
|                            owed data tail
|  DATA  |      BLOCK_RANGE (blockSpan = 2)      |

The end of the file, and shortblocks

The head can never go past the end of the file (that would involve scanning non-existent data). When it reaches the end of the file, it is doomed to stay there while waiting for the tail to catch up.

Some variants of the rsync algorithm simply send the remaining file data as a DATA operation, like so:

|                           file                            |
^                                                ^          ^
|                                                |          |
|                                              tail      head
|                                                |        EOF
|                                                +----------+
|                                                |  potent. |
|                                                +----------+
|                                                |
|                                                | owed data tail
|  DATA  |      BLOCK_RANGE (blockSpan = 2)      |   DATA   |

However, in wharf, short blocks are hashed and stored in the block library along with their size. Hence, our example could end up looking like this, if it turns out that the file only had some data prepended to it:

|                           file                            |
^                                                           ^
|                                                           |
|                                                        head
|                                                         EOF
|                                                        tail
|                                              owed data tail
|  DATA  |            BLOCK_RANGE (blockSpan = 3)           |

Preferred file index

Two files in a container may share some content, in which case they'll have equal block hashes. Due to the way hashes are stored in the block library, they won't overwrite each other, but the generated patch might be unnecessarily complicated.

Imagine a container with two identical files:

  • a.dat, 128kB
  • b.dat, 128kB

Diffing that container with itself should produce the following operation sequence:

  • BLOCK_RANGE with fileIndex = 0, blockIndex = 0, blockSpan = 2
  • BLOCK_RANGE with fileIndex = 1, blockIndex = 0, blockSpan = 2
                  new a.dat             new b.dat
            +----------+----------+          +          +    
 old a.dat  |                     |                          
 old b.dat                        |                     |    
            +          +          +----------+----------+    

The above diagram represent which blocks from the old file (Y axis) are used to reconstruct new files (X axis). + signs represent block boundaries

Such a patch could easily be recognized by a compliant patcher as a no-op, ie. a patch in which every new file can be reconstructed from the old file of the same path, in a single BLOCK_RANGE operation spanning the entire contents of the file.

However, a naive differ could pick only from the first file (ie. the first strong hash that matches)

  • BLOCK_RANGE with fileIndex = 0, blockIndex = 0, blockSpan = 2
  • BLOCK_RANGE with fileIndex = 0, blockIndex = 0, blockSpan = 2
                  /!\   non-compliant patch  /!\

                  new a.dat             new b.dat
 old a.dat  |                     |                     |
 old b.dat                                                   
            +          +          +          +          +    

Or could even produce even noisier patterns (if strong hashes were stored in different orders for the first and the second block):

  • operations for a.dat
    • BLOCK_RANGE with fileIndex = 1, blockIndex = 0, blockSpan = 1
    • BLOCK_RANGE with fileIndex = 0, blockIndex = 1, blockSpan = 1
  • operations for b.dat
    • BLOCK_RANGE with fileIndex = 1, blockIndex = 0, blockSpan = 1
    • BLOCK_RANGE with fileIndex = 0, blockIndex = 1, blockSpan = 1
                  /!\   non-compliant patch  /!\

                  new a.dat             new b.dat
            +----------+          +----------+          +    
 old a.dat  |          |          |          |           
 old b.dat             |          |          |          |    
            +          +----------+          +----------+    

To produce the ideal patch described above, all a differ has to do is:

  • When starting to diff a file of the new container, look for a file in the old container with the same path
  • If it finds one, note its position in the old container's file list. That's the preferred file index. * When looking for a hash match, if it matches several strong hashes, prioritize the one coming from the preferred file. This is made possible by the block library storing the file index for each block hash.

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